
Security Executive Blog

Let’s now look at, much more fatal, software attacks. Much more interesting are software attacks that attempt to exploit potential flaws in the USB stacks – similarly like the physical attacks mentioned above, just that this time not requiring any hardware-level modifications to the USB device. We hope this page would be useful for security researchers that might attempt to find weaknesses in Qubes OS either in our code or in the 3rd party code that we rely on (Xen hypervisor, select Xen backends). This is, in fact, precisely the challenge we’ve been facing in Qubes, so the divagations below necessarily focus mostly on the Qubes architecture. This is one of the key differences between USB and PCI Express standards, where the latter uses a peer-to-peer interconnect architecture. First we should realize that USB devices, unlike PCI Express devices, cannot be independently delegated to different domains (VMs). First there are all the physical attacks that could be conducted with the help of USB devices. You insert the USB stick into the first machine, copy files, and then insert the stick to the second machine. Now, this is really a problematic attack, because the malformed partition table can be written onto a fully legitimate USB stick by malware.

Exposing a malformed partition table is a great example of such an attack. Even if we have all the autorun mechanisms disabled, still, when we’re inserting a storage medium the OS always attempts to parse the partition table in order to e.g. create devices symbolizing each partition/volume (e.g. /dev/sdbX devices). The infamous class of attacks exploiting various autorun or auto-preview behaviors is the most known example, but also the easiest, at least in theory, to protect against. Having quickly summarized the USB security-related threats, let’s now think about how we could design an OS to mitigate most of those attacks, and at the very least the software-based attacks. Ok, so these all above were physical attacks. Still, there are a few very cheap and easy physical attacks that one would like to avoid, or make harder, such as the Evil Maid Attacks or the Cold Boot Attacks. There is a vast variety of door locks available in the market, that is both, conventional and contemporary.

These locks are usually available with saw-resistant deadbolt along with alarm horn of high decibel, which helps to prevent burglary. So, that’s a hell of a lot of trusting! And the stake is high. But that would require introducing a whole lot of new code to Dom0 – code that would be directly reachable from VMs (in other words that would be processing lots of untrusted input coming from untrusted domains). Currently, in Qubes Beta 1, we keep all the USB controllers assigned to Dom0. First, the user cannot use any of the USB-connected networking devices, such as 3G modems (because there is no networking in Dom0). To allow the use of USB-connected networking devices in NetVM, we could use a PVUSB backend that can virtualize single USB devices without moving the whole USB controller to the domain. On this page I’ve gathered up all my Internet and social media related material that you can use in your security program.

It meant “zero bars” trying to use 4G. I finally reached the right person with Verizon who acknowledged they could see how bad it was. As we can see proper handling of USB devices is quite a challenge for OS architects. If you want to learn more about these techniques, take Tufte’s course! You can read a transcript of the speech as well as see the video. With more and more of us becoming aware of, and choosing, energy efficient lighting, many people are installing energy-efficient light bulbs such as LED security lighting. Most people have some familiarity with the pictures of Doberman Pinscher or German Shepherd breeds as guard dogs. Lack of supervision also removes the opportunity for the guard to learn and better understand their duties. Strictly speaking these are not problems inherent to USB itself, but rather with lack of Trusted Boot, or OS not cleaning properly secrets from memory upon shutdown. Whether your motives are noble (gaining immortal fame, helping create a secure client OS), or not (proving ITL wrong), we would appreciate your efforts! Our client is looking to hire a permanent security chauffeur to provide a professional and reliable service for the entire family.

These provisions are mostly from the government’s service system. And this is precisely what we don’t want to do, because control over the keyboard is equivalent to the control over the whole system! The primary aim to install a home security system is to protect your home from burglars, fire damage and carbon monoxide poisoning. Cybersecurity is important because it helps protect an organization’s data assets from digital attacks that could damage the organization or individuals if placed in the wrong hands. Cybersecurity experts recently discovered an insidiously clever piece of malware that went unnoticed for half a decade. One example here would be a malicious USB device that exposes intentionally malformed info about itself in order to exploit a potential flaw in a USB Host Controller driver that processes this info upon each new USB device connect. App Monitor: AT&T Mobile Security is not guaranteed to detect or protect against all viruses, malware, rooting, and unauthorized app installations, or to prevent data breaches or device theft.